Home 2015


The need for repeat high-acuity care affects one in nine patients discharged from initial emergency department visits for kidney stones

One in Nine Needs Emergency Revisit for Kidney Stones

Access to urologic care, processes of care cut risk of repeat emergency encounters
For women with early-stage breast cancer

Lasting Benefit for Stress Mgmt Post Breast Cancer Surgery

Cognitive-behavioral stress management reduces depressive symptoms, improves QOL
Therapeutic decisions for diabetes should be individualized

2015 Diabetes Standards Focus on Individualized Tx Approach

2015 Standards for Diabetes Care focus on ethnic differences in risk, BP targets, treatment goals
For patients with early-stage and advanced-stage non-small-cell lung cancer with pre-existing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Pulmonologist Management Beneficial in NSCLC

Improved rates of stage-specific treatment for early-, advanced-stage NSCLC with comorbid COPD
Men who exercise the most have higher sexual function scores

Exercise Improves Men’s Sexual Function Regardless of Race

Men who get the most physical activity report more erections, orgasms
Plasma α-tocopherol disappearance rates depend on lipid concentrations

α-Tocopherol Disappearance Depends on Lipids

No age- or sex-related variation in fractional disappearance rates, α-tocopherol absorbed
A variety of shoulder dystocia maneuvers are not associated with neonatal morbidity after adjusting for duration

Shoulder Dystocia Maneuvers Not Tied to Neonatal Harm

No findings of morbidity, injury tied to maneuvers, when adjusting for duration
Patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy have greater maximum and range of separations of their center of mass from their center of pressure

Balance Compromised in Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

Greater maximum and range of separations of center of mass from center of pressure in DPN
Hormone therapy is associated with a reduced risk of all-cause mortality in women treated with statins

Hormone Therapy Not Detrimental to Women on Statins

Hormone therapy use actually associated with reduced risk of all-cause mortality
Skeletal muscle phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome 10 regulates insulin resistance in a sex-specific manner

PTEN Regulation of Insulin Resistance Is Sex Specific

Women have downregulation of PTEN gene expression, upregulation of PTEN protein phosphorylation