Home 2015


For obese adults

Binge Eating Linked to Comorbidities in Obese Adults

BED linked to risk of specific comorbidities, but associations not statistically significant
There are no significant differences in outcomes or processes of care for U.S. hospitals with policies allowing for family presence during resuscitation compared with hospitals without this policy

Outcome Not Affected by Family Presence During Resuscitation

No significant differences in outcomes of processes of care for hospitals with versus without FPDR
Medicaid expansion is associated with an increase in diabetes diagnosis

Newly Identified Diabetes Up With Medicaid Expansion

Twenty-three percent increase in newly identified diabetes in 26 states that expanded Medicaid
For older patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction

Short Hospital Stays Don’t Impair STEMI Outcomes in Seniors

Similar outcomes with discharge after 48 hours and for patients who stay in hospital for four, five days
Air pollution may take a toll not only on physical health

Air Pollution May Contribute to High Anxiety

Possibly, one study suggests, while another links pollution to increased stroke risk
An experimental Ebola vaccine shows promise in an early clinical trial

Experimental Ebola Vaccine Shows Potential

Appeared to provoke good immune response in Chinese study; larger trials needed
Repeated use of certain antibiotics may increase a person's risk for type 2 diabetes

Greater Use of Antibiotics Tied to Higher Odds of Diabetes

Data on one million people suggest a higher risk of the illness linked to changes in gut microbes
Using stents rather than medication alone to keep narrowed arteries open in the brain may actually increase patients' risk of stroke

Meds Not Stents in Patients With Intracranial Arterial Stenosis

Use of medical therapy appears safer for narrowed brain arteries, researchers say
Nearly all emergency department doctors recently surveyed said they order magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography scans their patients may not need

Majority of ER Doctors Admit Ordering Tests Defensively

97 percent said they had patients undergo procedures that weren't medically needed
Neonatal outcomes are no worse with rotational instrumental delivery than with cesarean delivery for persistent fetal malposition

Rotational Instrument Delivery OK for Fetal Malposition

Neonatal outcomes similar to those seen with cesarean section