Home 2024


FDA Starts Phase II of Efforts to Reduce Salt Levels in Food


The new targets support reaching a daily sodium intake of 2,750 mg per day per person

CDC Warns of Resurgence of Parvovirus B19


Pandemic brought loss of immunity to the virus, which has now translated into higher infection rates across the U.S.

2002 to 2021 Saw Decline, Followed by Increase in Stroke Death Rates


Stroke death rates increased 7 percent between 2012 and 2019 followed by 12 percent increase through 2021

CDC Presents Characteristics of Residential Care Community Residents


75 percent needed assistance with bathing, 71 percent with walking, and 62 percent with three or more activities of daily living

FDA Warns Against Using Chemical Peels Without Professional Supervision


People who are buying and using at-home chemical peels are ending up burned and scarred

CDC Report Addresses Nonfinancial Access Barriers to Care in 2022


12.5 percent of U.S. adults delayed or did not get medical care in past 12 months because they were too busy to go to a provider

58.7 Percent of U.S. Adults Walked for Leisure in Past Week in 2022


16.2 percent of adults walked for transportation, with men more likely to do so than women

Wildfires Are Creating Hazardous Air Conditions in Western North America


During periods of unhealthy air, people should stay indoors with windows and doors closed

2021 to 2022 Saw 3 Percent Increase in Infant Deaths Reported in U.S.


Increase seen in U.S. infant mortality rate, neonatal mortality rate, postneonatal mortality rate, and for preterm and term infants

Survey: Few Women With Uterine Fibroids Offered Less Invasive Treatment Options


More than half of women overall are not familiar with uterine fibroids