Home 2015


Patients with HIV should start antiretroviral therapy as soon as they're diagnosed

Greater Benefit for Early Antiretroviral Tx Initiation in HIV

NIH-funded trial results appear likely to impact global treatment guidelines
Soft tissue fillers used in cosmetic procedures can be unintentionally injected into blood vessels in the face and cause serious harm

FDA Warns of Soft Tissue Filler Injection Into Blood Vessels

When injections accidentally enter blood vessels, blockages and damage can occur
Low physician spending is contributing to an overall slowing of health care costs

AMA: Physicians Driving the Slowing of Health Care Costs

Physicians' spending grew more slowly over 2003 to 2013 than hospital and clinical spending
Rapamune (sirolimus) has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat lymphangioleiomyomatosis

FDA Approves Rapamune for Lymphangioleiomyomatosis

Rare, progressive lung disease affects mostly women of child-bearing age
Two new therapies to treat irritable bowel syndrome accompanied by diarrhea in adults have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

FDA: Two Drugs Approved for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

U.S. Food and Drug Administration approves Viberzi (eluxadoline) and Xifaxan (rifaximin)
New U.S. government research connects severe vision loss with poverty

CDC: Low-Income Southerners at Highest Risk of Vision Loss

Restricted access to eye and health care likely to blame, study authors suggest
A man who returned to the United States after traveling to Liberia in West Africa has died of Lassa fever

CDC: U.S. Traveler Returning From Liberia Dies of Lassa Fever

Only sixth known case in United States since 1969, but virus is much less deadly than Ebola
Understanding the key drivers underlying medical students' distress can help address the issues and enhance student well-being

AMA: Avoiding Distress in Medical School

Drivers of distress include unsupportive learning environment, mistreatment, debt
Cigarette smoking continues to decline in about half of American states

CDC: Smoking Rates on Decline in Many States

But some people are using alternative tobacco products in addition to cigarettes
Sixty percent of clinicians in practices with 26 or more clinicians report use of one of 10 electronic health record products

Large Practices Focused on Small Selection of EHR Products

Sixty percent of responses from clinicians in large practices were from users of 10 EHR products