Home 2015


A small but promised Medicare pay increase has effectively been reduced to zero for all physician specialties

AAFP: Expected 0.5 Percent Pay Increase Reduced to Zero

Medicare physician fee schedule shows expected Medicare pay increase reduced for all specialties
In 2014

CDC: Rates of Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis Up

Increases are largely driven by STD epidemic among men, U.S. researchers say
Nearly 2

FDA: Automated Endoscope Reprocessors Recalled

Custom Ultrasonics has history of violating federal rules for manufacturing and quality control
About one in 45 children have an autism spectrum disorder

CDC: Autism Rate Up Post Survey Method Changes

The number differs based on new questions parents were asked about their children
About 47 percent of individuals with hypertension do not have the condition under control

CDC: Half of Americans With HTN Don’t Have BP Under Control

Improvement since 1999, but still short of Healthy People 2020 goal
Although obesity rates continued to climb among U.S. adults over the past decade

CDC: Adult Obesity Still Rising in U.S., Youth Rates Hold Steady

Per analysis of weight trends since 1999
Cotellic (cobimetinib) in combination with another chemotherapy

FDA Approves Cotellic for Advanced Melanoma

For patients whose tumors express BRAF V600E or V600K mutations
Expanding protocols for rooming and discharge can allow physicians to free up an hour or more of time per day

Expanding Rooming, Discharge Office Protocols Can Save Time

Delegating rooming, discharge tasks to clinical support staff can save physicians ≥1 hour/day
The American College of Physicians has joined other organizations in an amicus curiae brief to the Supreme Court

ACP Joins Amicus Curiae Brief to Supreme Court

Brief urges Supreme Court to uphold considerations of race, ethnicity in med school application process
Most Americans now support aggressive regulation to keep health care costs in check -- including price caps on drugs

Poll: Americans Want Health Care Costs Kept in Check

Suggestions include price controls on drugs, hospitals, and doctors