Home 2015


New statistics suggest that kidney patients on dialysis are surviving longer. The study was presented Thursday at a National Kidney Foundation meeting in Dallas.

NKF: Dialysis Patients Living Longer

Better treatments, tighter management of disease may explain promising trend
Patients who choose at-home physical therapy instead of in-patient rehabilitation after knee replacement surgery do just as well when it comes to complications

AAOS: Just Home Rehab May Be Enough Post Knee Surgery

People do just as well with in-home physical therapy, researchers find
Many people who've had hip replacement surgery might safely be able to drive as soon as two weeks after the procedure

AAOS: Driving Two Weeks Post Hip Replacement May Be OK

Many patients regain their presurgery brake reaction times within two weeks after surgery
Between 2002 and 2011

AAOS: Hip Replacement Surgery Up in Younger Americans

Over 10 years, rate of surgeries nearly doubled for those ages 45 to 64
A new study suggests that runners over the age of 30 who transition from traditional running shoes to minimalist shoes should do so cautiously to avoid injury. The findings are scheduled to be presented this week at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

AAOS: Minimalist Running Shoes May Need Longer Transition

People over 30 may take more time to safely adjust to 'minimalist' shoes
Young baseball players often feel pressure from parents or coaches to continue playing despite arm pain

AAOS: Many Parents Unaware of Youth Pitching Guidelines

Also, young players feel pressure from parents or coaches to continue playing despite arm pain
Certain air pollutants may boost the potency of a birch tree pollen that plays a big role in seasonal allergies

ACS: Air Pollution Can Up Potency of Birch Tree Pollen

Pollutants plus climate change linked to increase in prevalence of allergies worldwide
Healthy young women taking spironolactone for acne have no increased rate of hyperkalemia

AAD: Low Rate of Hyperkalemia With Spironolactone Use

Rate in women taking spironolactone comparable to baseline rate among healthy young women
Telangiectatic photoaging is a distinct dermatological disorder from erythematotelangiectatic subtype of rosacea

AAD: Telangiectatic Photoaging Distinct From Rosacea Subtype

Histological, gene expression findings differentiate TP from erythematotelangiectatic rosacea
For patients with psoriasis

AAD: Herpes Zoster Incidence Up With Combo Tx for Psoriasis

Physicians may need to consider offering a herpes zoster preventive vaccine to patients