Home 2015


Eating a diet that is mostly plant-based can lower cardiovascular mortality by up to 20 percent

AHA: Pro-Vegetarian Diet Could Lower CVD Mortality Risk by 20%

People who eat more plant foods than animal products less likely to die from cardiovascular dz
A new study finds that treating moderate to severe depression with antidepressants may have an added bonus: reducing cardiovascular risks. The findings are scheduled to be presented March 15 at the annual meeting of the American College of Cardiology

ACC: Antidepressants May Help Reduce Cardiovascular Risk

Reduced risk of death, heart disease, stroke in patients with moderate to severe depression
High doses of omega-3 fatty acids may protect against further damage in myocardial infarction patients

ACC: High-Dose Omega-3 Protects Heart Following MI

Survivors who took large, daily dose of prescription-only capsules showed less decline in heart function
Closely following the Mediterranean diet can significantly lower risk of heart disease

ACC: Mediterranean Diet Cuts Heart Disease Risk by About Half

People who followed it closely were 47 percent less likely to develop disease
People who are fit in their 40s seem to retain more brain volume two decades later and also perform better on decision-making tests

AHA: Midlife Fitness Equates to Better Cognition Decades Later

Tests show higher midlife fitness levels tied to greater brain volume, function decades later
Patients with atrial fibrillation who take digoxin may face a nearly 30 percent greater risk of death than patients not taking the drug

ACC: Mortality Risk Up With Digoxin Use in A-Fib

May face a nearly 30 percent greater risk of death than patients not taking the drug
Many U.S. adults are taking action to reduce sodium intake

AHA: Many U.S. Adults Taking Action to Reduce Sodium Intake

Fifty-three percent taking action; receiving medical advice to reduce sodium intake linked with action
The more fried food you eat

AHA: Fried Food Intake Tied to Heart Failure Risk in Physicians

Eaten regularly, fried foods might boost chances as much as 68 percent
An ultrasound technique is showing early promise as a quick and minimally-invasive treatment for plantar fasciitis. The findings were scheduled for presentation at the annual meeting of the Society of Interventional Radiology

SIR: Ultrasound Tx Relieves Pain in Chronic Plantar Fasciitis

Patients found relief from foot pain in short study, but longer trials are needed
A procedure that delivers lidocaine directly to nerves in the back of the nasal cavity appears to offer significant relief to migraine sufferers

SIR: Intranasal Sphenopalatine Ganglion Block Eases Migraine

Therapy reduces pain level by about one-third for up to a month