Home 2015


An ultrasound technique is showing early promise as a quick and minimally-invasive treatment for plantar fasciitis. The findings were scheduled for presentation at the annual meeting of the Society of Interventional Radiology

SIR: Ultrasound Tx Relieves Pain in Chronic Plantar Fasciitis

Patients found relief from foot pain in short study, but longer trials are needed
A procedure that delivers lidocaine directly to nerves in the back of the nasal cavity appears to offer significant relief to migraine sufferers

SIR: Intranasal Sphenopalatine Ganglion Block Eases Migraine

Therapy reduces pain level by about one-third for up to a month
People who drink several cups of coffee every day may have a decreased risk of developing multiple sclerosis

AAN: High Coffee Consumption May Reduce Risk of MS

Studies link several cups daily with reduced odds for the disease
U.S. recommendations against the prostate-specific antigen test for prostate cancer might have prompted a small but measurable increase in the number of higher-risk cases diagnosed recently

ASCO: High-Risk Prostate Cancer Diagnosis Up Since New PSA Recs

Researchers report 3 percent annual rise in intermediate- and high-risk cases
There's new evidence that pre-exposure prophylaxis in the days before and after a sexual encounter with an HIV-infected partner can be effective prevention. Two new studies were presented Tuesday at the annual Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections

CROI: Support for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis in HIV Prevention

Research suggests tenofovir/emtricitabine doesn't need to be taken daily, but more study still needed
Choosing active surveillance over treatment for prostate cancer may decrease the odds of survival in men with intermediate-risk cancer

ASCO: Survival Down in Some Cases of Active Surveillance

Lower survival for intermediate-risk disease, compared to low-risk cases
A doctor's recommendation and a patient's race may play a big role in whether or not people get an annual flu vaccine

AAAAI: Doctor’s Advice Impacts Flu Vaccination Rates

Recommendation, and patient race, play part in decision to get flu vaccine
Men who've had testicular cancer may be at increased risk for prostate cancer

ASCO: Testicular Cancer May Raise Risk of Prostate Cancer

But it's too soon to make any recommendations, and overall risk is low, researcher says
People who are resistant to aspirin may be at risk for larger

AAN: Aspirin Resistance Predicts More Severe Stroke

What causes aspirin resistance isn't known
Exposing young children with peanut allergies to small amounts of the legumes shows promise as a treatment

AAAAI: Exposure Therapy May Reduce Toddler Peanut Allergy

When given to toddlers, therapy helped them shed sensitivity, researchers report