Home 2015
ACS: Resection Can Up Survival in Metastatic Melanoma
Those with GI tract metastases had the longest median survival of any patients
Early Noninvasive Ventilation Doesn’t Cut Mortality in ICU
No reduction in mortality versus oxygen therapy alone for immunocompromised patients
ACS: Complications, Costs Lower for High-Volume Surgeons
Rates lower for surgeons performing 25 or more total thyroidectomies a year
Hypothermia Doesn’t Cut Intracranial Pressure in TBI
Therapeutic hypothermia plus standard care doesn't improve outcome over standard care alone
Upper-Limb Remote Preconditioning No Help in Cardiac Sx
Two studies show no significant benefit for patients undergoing elective cardiac surgery
Acetaminophen Given Early Doesn’t Cut ICU Days
No impact on number of ICU-free days in patients with fever due to probable infection
Increased BMI Protective Against Blood Transfusions
Findings among patients undergoing total hip, knee arthroplasty
Taller Individuals Appear More Likely to Develop Cancer
Mortality association remains unclear
Differences Found in Smokers, Nonsmokers Who Develop NSCLC
Nonsmokers more likely than smokers to be women and to have adenocarcinoma
Earlier HRT May Pose Lower CHD Risk for Menopausal Women
Starting treatment around onset of menopause seems to lower threat to heart