Home 2015


A progressive resistance strength training program can improve some aspects of hand osteoarthritis

ACR: Resistance Training Program Beneficial in Hand Osteoarthritis

Progressive resistance strength training program effective for pain, function, treatment satisfaction
Women are less likely than men to get the recommended treatments for myocardial infarction survivors

AHA: Women More Often Receive Suboptimal Post-MI Care

This could explain gender gap in survival, researchers say
At least 16.8 million Americans could potentially benefit from the type of aggressive blood pressure treatment pursued under the Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial (SPRINT). The findings were published online Nov. 9 in the New England Journal of Medicine to coincide with presentation at the annual meeting of the American Heart Association

AHA: Reducing Blood Pressure Target Could Increase Benefits

Risk of CVD was lowered by 25 percent, while all-cause mortality risk was reduced 27 percent
Combination therapy of endovascular revascularization and supervised exercise is associated with greater improvements than supervised exercise alone for patients with intermittent claudication. The findings were published in the Nov. 10 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association

AHA: Combo Tx Ups Benefits in Intermittent Claudication

Greater improvements in waking distances, quality of life with revascularization plus exercise
Short sessions of high-intensity exercise may provide more health benefits for people with type 2 diabetes than longer bouts of less intense activity

AHA: Short, Intense Bouts of Exercise More Beneficial in T2DM

Research suggests brief but harder workouts may provide better blood glucose control
Acute kidney injury associated with tenofovir disoproxil fumarate is prevalent in HIV-infected patients

ASN: Tenofovir-Linked Acute Kidney Injury Prevalent in HIV

Fewer than half of patients with TFD-linked AKI had renal function recovery after drug withdrawal
Lack of sleep may be a gateway to chronic kidney disease

ASN: Insufficient Sleep Might Increase Risk of Kidney Disease

Five hours or less a night linked to reduced organ function in women
Proton pump inhibitors appear to be linked with increased risk of chronic kidney disease

ASN: PPIs Linked to Higher Risk of Chronic Kidney Disease

But studies weren't designed to prove proton pump inhibitors are responsible for the increase
For patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD)

ASN: Telenephrology Improves Visit Compliance in CKD

Greater frequency of attending appointments; no difference in the incidence of composite outcomes
The projected long-term risk of end-stage renal disease among living kidney donors can be estimated using multiple characteristics

ASN: ESRD Risk Can Be Estimated in Living Kidney Donors

Multiple demographic and health characteristics can estimate projected long-term risk