
More Than Half of Older Adults Very Concerned About Medical Costs


Significant differences seen by gender and political ideology

Mental Health Utilization Increased Around Time of Prostate Cancer Diagnosis


Increase seen for both psychotropic medication and mental health service use

Clinicians Are Interested in Climate Change Education


Two-thirds to three-quarters of respondents believe it is relevant in their lives or clinical practice

Baseline MRI PI-RADS Linked to Biopsy Reclassification in Prostate Cancer


Baseline MRI PI-RADS score significantly linked to early biopsy reclassification for those with low-risk, favorable intermediate-risk cancer

ChatGPT Only Gets Diagnoses Correct Half of the Time


However, analysis shows some medical education benefits, such as simplifying medical concepts and offering guidance on differential diagnoses

Urinary Metal Levels Linked to Increased Risk for CVD, Mortality


For mixture of six urinary metals, adjusted hazard ratio for interquartile range increase was 1.29 and 1.66 for CVD, mortality

Surgical Techniques Compared for ThuLEP for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia


En-bloc and two-lobe techniques may offer efficiency benefits but do not result in improvements in postoperative outcomes

Prevalence of Overactive Bladder in U.S. Men Increased Significantly Since 2005


Increases in prevalence stronger for those aged 40 to 59 years, non-Hispanic White, non-Hispanic Black individuals, and those with overweight or obesity

Incidence of Many Cancers Increasing Among Younger Generations


Incidence rate ratios increased with each successive birth cohort born since 1920 for eight of 34 cancers

Mortality Risk High for Some Gleason Grade 1 Prostate Cancer Patients


Risks increased for those with percentage positive biopsies >50 percent or prostate-specific antigen >20 ng/mL