For most pregnant patients with benign spine tumors

Case Series Addresses Spine Tumors in Pregnancy

Most women with benign spine tumors can wait for surgery until after delivery
For children and adolescents with an adnexal mass

One-Quarter of Adnexal Masses in Youth Are Malignant

Presence of gynecologic surgeon lowers odds of oophorectomy in benign masses
For medical students

Confidence Not Accurate Measure of Prescribing Competence

Fourth-year medical students show lack of insight into their own prescribing strengths and weaknesses
Shorter shifts for medical residents don't appear to be making any big improvements in doctors' fatigue levels or in patient care

Advantages of Shorter Resident Shifts Found Lacking

Shorter medical resident duty hours may be worse for patients and only slightly better for residents
Robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery for kidney cancer is associated with considerable benefits

Value of Robot-Assisted Surgery in Kidney CA Accrues Over Time

Robot-assisted surgery increases access to partial nephrectomy for appropriate patients
A less-popular type of weight loss surgery might actually lead to more weight loss than gastric bypass -- the currently favored form of obesity surgery. But

Less Common Bariatric Procedure = More Weight Loss

But 'duodenal switch' procedure also linked to more complications
Early enrollment in cardiac rehabilitation does not increase major adverse event rates among patients who recently underwent open heart surgery

Early Rehab Doesn’t Increase Adverse Events Post-CABG

Findings in coronary artery bypass graft patients entering cardiac rehab within two weeks of discharge
The tragic shooting of surgeon Michael Davidson can be used as an opportunity to find meaning in tragedy

Perspective on Dr. Davidson: ‘Be Like Mike’

Michael Davidson took on highest risk patients, sought to extend lives in cases deemed 'hopeless'
Infections are the most likely reason people end up back in the hospital after surgery

Infection Most Common Readmission Reason Post-Surgery

Knowing why readmissions happen is first step in reducing them, researcher says
Patients with peripheral arterial disease who face amputation of a foot or leg can have their limb saved by minimally invasive surgery to improve blood flow

ISET: Program to Test, Treat for PAD Reduces Amputations

Saving limbs saves lives and costs less than amputation for peripheral arterial disease