The number one determining factor for selecting a doctor is whether the physician is in-network

Patients Say Cost Matters Greatly in Choosing Doctor

Reasons to leave include unprofessional staff, difficulty getting scheduled, long wait to see doctor
The VenaSeal closure system has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat superficial varicose veins of the legs that cause symptoms.

FDA: New Device Treats Superficial Varicose Veins

Seals the affected superficial veins using an adhesive agent
Doctors appear less likely to get divorced than most other health care professionals

Doctors, Pharmacists Least Likely Health Pros to Divorce

But women physicians 1.5 times more likely than male counterparts
Fear of discrimination is a major reason why about one-third of lesbian

Fear of Discrimination Keeps Many LGBT Med Students Silent

Thirty percent of LGBT surveyed said they didn't reveal sexual identity in medical school
Many American women with locally-advanced breast cancer do not receive recommended radiation therapy after mastectomy

Many Women Not Receiving Recommended Radiation Tx

More than a third with locally-advanced disease don't get treatment aimed at preventing tumor's return
Apology laws

Article Emphasizes Importance of Apology in Medical Error

Apology laws unnecessary if physicians understand the importance of offering accountability
For patients with metastatic colorectal cancer

Wide Variation in Hospital Tx Patterns for Metastatic CRC

Use of metastatic site surgery, multiagent chemo increases as hospitals' volume of services increases
Observation is increasingly being used among men with low-risk prostate cancer who are young and healthy enough for treatment

Observation Increasingly Used in Younger Men With Prostate CA

From 2004 to 2009, marked increase in observation among men with low-risk disease
Considerable practice variation exists among surgeons at a high-volume academic center when selecting patients with prostate cancer to undergo radical prostatectomy

Considerable Surgeon-Level Variation in Radical Prostatectomy

Variation exists at high-volume center when selecting patients with low-risk prostate cancer
In an environment where patients are increasingly aware of the costs of health care

High Deductible Plans Factor Into Physician-Patient Relationship

Physicians may want to be proactive by detailing costs and options for patients