The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said Tuesday that use of the CoreValve "valve-in-valve" aortic replacement has been expanded to include people at extreme risk for serious complications from traditional open-heart surgery.

FDA Expands Approval for ‘Valve in Valve’ Aortic Replacement

Now includes people at risk for open-heart surgery complications
About 6.1 percent of U.S. allopathic medical school seniors in the National Resident Matching Program were not placed into first-year residency positions

2015 Match Sees High Proportion of Unmatched Seniors

2015 Match included largest number of registrants on record; all-time high in terms of positions offered

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, March 24-28

The 2015 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons The annual meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons was held...
Laparoscopic hysterectomy with morcellation is associated with better outcomes than abdominal hysterectomy for women with presumed fibroid tumors

Laparoscopic Tops Abdominal Hysterectomy for Fibroid Tumors

More deaths from leiomyosarcoma after laparoscopic hysterectomy; lower rates of complications
Older patients who need a kidney transplant are better off receiving an available organ from an older deceased donor rather than waiting for one from a younger donor

Older Patients Can Benefit From Older Donor Kidneys

Many of these organs would otherwise get discarded, researcher says
Burnout can be prevented if physicians are aware of the warning signs

Physicians Should Be Aware of Signs of Burnout

Stress is major predictor for burnout among doctors; operating in high-stress environment also harmful
Two-dimensional ultrasonographic strain imaging can quantify and map behaviors in the carpal tunnel

U/S Strain Imaging Can Quantify, Map Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Differences in shear strain and axial strain for healthy volunteers, patients with CTS
Patients who choose at-home physical therapy instead of in-patient rehabilitation after knee replacement surgery do just as well when it comes to complications

AAOS: Just Home Rehab May Be Enough Post Knee Surgery

People do just as well with in-home physical therapy, researchers find
For obese adults

Binge Eating Linked to Comorbidities in Obese Adults

BED linked to risk of specific comorbidities, but associations not statistically significant
Many people who've had hip replacement surgery might safely be able to drive as soon as two weeks after the procedure

AAOS: Driving Two Weeks Post Hip Replacement May Be OK

Many patients regain their presurgery brake reaction times within two weeks after surgery