
AHA: Oral Milvexian Promising for Prevention of VTE


In patients undergoing knee arthroplasty, postoperative incidence of venous thromboembolism lower with milvexian versus enoxaparin

Bariatric Surgery May Cut Risk for Adverse Outcomes in NASH


Risk for adverse liver and cardiovascular outcomes lower among patients with obesity and advanced fatty liver who undergo bariatric surgery

Number of Elderly on U.S. Liver Transplant List Rising


Outcomes for elderly patients receiving liver transplants also improving

Strong Opioids No Better for Pain After Surgery for Fracture


No difference seen in Numerical Pain Rating Scale mean pain score for patients receiving strong versus mild opioids

Prior Bariatric Surgery May Protect Against Severe COVID-19 Outcomes


Among COVID-19-positive adults, outcomes better for those with prior bariatric surgery versus those eligible for bariatric surgery

Progress Made in Reducing Depression During Internship


Increases in sleep hours and use of mental health services, decrease in work hours occurred in parallel to decrease in depressive symptoms

Liver Transplant Outcomes Worse for Nonoverweight NAFLD Patients


Outcomes worse before and after liver transplant for nonoverweight versus overweight/obese adults with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

9.6 Percent of People of All Ages Uninsured in First Half of 2021


Among adults aged 18 to 64 years, 14.0 percent were uninsured, 21.6 percent had public coverage, 66.3 percent had private health coverage

ACR: Total Hip Arthroplasty Up for Those Under Age 21


Frequency of THA for osteonecrosis increased, while frequency of THA for inflammatory arthritis decreased from 2000 to 2016

QFR-Guided Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Improves Outcomes


One-year clinical outcomes improved with quantitative flow ratio for lesion selection versus standard angiography guidance