Hospitals Lag in Sexual Harassment Policies
Findings reveal few of the top U.S. medical centers have policies addressing harassment of physicians and staff by patients
FDA Approves Imaging Drug That Can Help Surgeons Spot Ovarian Cancers
Drug is designed to improve surgeon's ability to detect ovarian cancer while operating on a patient
Smartphone Wound Follow-Up Increases Odds of Early SSI Diagnosis
Patients in smartphone group had reduced community care attendance, better experiences accessing care after abdominal surgery
FDA Approves Livtencity for Posttransplant Cytomegalovirus
Livtencity is indicated for posttransplant CMV that does not respond to available antiviral treatments
Bariatric Surgery Cuts Hepatic Steatosis in Obesity and T2DM
Similar decline in liver fat fraction seen for sleeve gastrectomy, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass from surgery to one-year follow-up
Risk for Psoriasis Reduced After Tonsillectomy
Among patients with rheumatoid arthritis, the risk for psoriasis was increased after tonsillectomy
Pandemic Had Greater Effect on Work-Life Balance for Female Physicians
A sizable gender gap evident for risk of depression and anxiety
Biden Plan Will Spend $1.5 Billion to Boost Health Worker Supply
The pandemic has exacerbated health care disparities for minorities and underserved communities
30 Percent of Hospital-Based Health Care Personnel Unvaccinated
COVID-19 vaccination coverage increased from 36.1 to 60.2 percent from January to April 2021, then slowed, reaching 70.0 percent as of Sept. 15
AHA: Risk-Benefit of Mitral Valve Surgery Plus Tricuspid Annuloplasty Studied
For mitral valve surgery plus TA, risk for primary end-point event lower at two years, but risk for permanent pacemaker implantation higher