Nearly one in 10 American adults don't take their medications as prescribed because they can't afford to

CDC: ~8 Percent of U.S. Adults Nonadherent Due to Rx Costs

Patients skipping doses, taking less medication or delaying filling prescriptions
The inflammatory adipokine leptin may have a mediating effect on the relationship between body weight and knee osteoarthritis in older adults

Leptin May Mediate Knee-Related Osteoarthritis

The inflammatory adipokine may account for about half of the effect of BMI on knee osteoarthritis
Current targets call for 150 minutes of weekly exercise -- or 30 minutes of physical activity at least five days a week -- to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Although these standards don't need to be abandoned

Smaller Goals to Start Could Boost Activity in Sedentary

For those who are inactive, any activity may be better than none
For patients with rheumatoid arthritis

Moderate Changes in Lipids With Tocilizumab/Tofacitinib in RA

Review shows no changes for rheumatoid arthritis patients with tumor necrosis factor antagonist tx
Physicians have ranked electronic health record systems based on five key performance areas

Physicians Rank the Best EHR Systems of 2014

EHRs ranked in five performance areas, including quality of care, patient portal, technical support
The terms in health care payer contracts are not immutable

Docs Should Negotiate Health Care Payer Contracts

Items to negotiate include easing of prior authorization process, extension for submitting claim
For fourth-year medical students

Collaboration Between Med Students Cuts Diagnostic Errors

Diagnostic accuracy higher for pairs than individuals assessing cases of respiratory distress
Venlafaxine seems to be effective for the treatment of fibromyalgia

Review: Venlafaxine May Be Effective for Fibromyalgia Tx

Studies limited by small sample size, inconsistency of outcomes, methodological concerns
For patients with suspected infection or inflammation

CRP/ESR Disagreement Common in Infection, Inflammation

Twenty percent of patients who underwent repeat testing had disagreement on initial test
For patients with Raynaud's phenomenon

Cold Effects on Skin in Raynaud’s Impacted by Age, BMI

Cold-induced decrease in skin temperature inversely linked to age, BMI in patients not controls