For patients with rheumatoid arthritis

ACC/AHA Risk Score No Better for Identifying Elevated CAC in RA

Ten-year risk score no better than Framingham Risk Score, Reynolds Risk Score
Smoking may hamper the effects of tumor necrosis factor inhibitors used to treat axial spondyloarthritis

Smoking Impairs Rx Response in Axial Spondyloarthritis

Swiss study authors say inflammation or a lack of oxygen among possible reasons
A review of U.S. Food and Drug Administration inspection reports between 1998 and 2013 revealed 57 clinical trials in which regulators had uncovered violations serious enough to earn the agency's most severe classification -- "official action indicated

Research Misconduct ID’d by FDA Often Unreported in Literature

Only three of 78 published studies mentioned issues of concern uncovered by FDA
The mercury found in some seafood may be linked to autoimmune disorders among women of childbearing age

Mercury From Seafood Tied to Higher Levels of Autoantibodies

Exposure may raise risk of autoimmune diseases in women
For medical students

Confidence Not Accurate Measure of Prescribing Competence

Fourth-year medical students show lack of insight into their own prescribing strengths and weaknesses
Motivational interviewing can be a useful approach for reaching noncompliant patients

Motivational Interviewing Can Help Reach Nonadherent Patients

Although working with patients to set personal goals may take more time, the investment pays off
The tragic shooting of surgeon Michael Davidson can be used as an opportunity to find meaning in tragedy

Perspective on Dr. Davidson: ‘Be Like Mike’

Michael Davidson took on highest risk patients, sought to extend lives in cases deemed 'hopeless'
Menstrual abnormalities

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Linked With Earlier Surgical Menopause

Menstrual abnormalities, endometriosis, pelvic pain also associated with CFS

January 2015 Briefing – Rheumatology

Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Rheumatology for January 2015. This roundup includes the latest...
Patient engagement initiatives can decrease costs without sacrificing quality care

Patient Engagement Can Cut Costs, Improve Outcomes

Initiatives can decrease hospital visits, cut morbidity and mortality, up treatment adherence