
Mammogram Centers Must Notify Patients of Breast Density, FDA Says


Agency says centers must tell women if they have dense breasts and how that affects the quality of their X-ray and breast cancer risk

AI Has High Sensitivity for Abnormal Chest Radiographs


Potential autonomous reporting rate was 7.8 percent for all posteroanterior chest radiographs

Allograft Disc Tissue Injection Aids Degenerative Disc Disease Symptoms


Significant improvement in pain and function seen at 36 months

Prostate Artery Embolization Effective Long Term for Prostate-Related Urinary Symptoms


In less than three months after procedure, only mild urinary symptoms reported; benefits persisted through six years

Genicular Nerve Radiofrequency Ablation Reduces Knee Arthritis Pain


Particular benefits seen for patients aged 50 years or older, regardless of previous surgery

Unilateral Pallidal Ultrasound Ablation Beneficial in Parkinson Disease


Authors note a significantly reduced levodopa-induced dyskinesia and motor severity score opposite to the treated side

Almost Two-Thirds of U.S. Doctors, Nurses Feel Burnt Out at Work: Poll


Doctors say they are rethinking their decision to enter medicine, citing understaffing, paperwork, insurance hassles as major reasons why

About One-Third of Incidental Pituitary Microadenomas Grow


Most stay the same or decrease in size; those that grow do so slowly with estimated slope of 0.016 mm/year

MRI Best Supplemental Imaging Modality for Detecting Breast Cancer


MRI superior to other supplemental modalities for breast cancer detection in women with dense breasts, negative mammography

Global Economic Cost of Cancer Estimated to Be $25.2 Trillion From 2020 to 2050


75.1 percent of cancer deaths occur in low-, middle-income countries, which account for 49.5 percent of economic cost