An accelerated baccalaureate/doctor of medicine program does not impair the academic performance of medical students

Accelerated MD Program Doesn’t Mar Academic Performance

Academic performance of students is comparable in accelerated program, conventional MD program
Dual-modality diffuse reflectance spectroscopy-fluorescence spectroscopy can differentiate tumor tissue from surrounding tissue in patients undergoing colorectal cancer resection

Dual-Modality DRS-FS Discerns Tumor From Surrounding Tissue

Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy-fluorescence spectroscopy sensitive, specific in colorectal cancer
In a review article published online Sept. 3 in the New England Journal of Medicine

Suggested Response Provided for In-Flight Medical Emergencies

Article offers tips for physicians providing emergency in-flight medical care

August 2015 Briefing – Radiology

Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Radiology for August 2015. This roundup includes the latest...
Physicians whose peers were early adopters of brachytherapy for the treatment of women with early-stage breast cancer are more likely to adopt the therapy themselves

Physicians’ Peers Influence Use of New Cancer Tx Modalities

Exposure to peers who were early adopters of brachytherapy associated with increased use
Transvaginal sonography

Ultrasound, MRI Comparable for Cervical Cancer Staging

Transvaginal sonography, a feasible and economic imaging modality
The outcome of a recent case regarding the termination of physicians by an insurance company following a dispute over the necessity of medical services provided has serious implications for physicians and their patients

AMA: Ruling Makes It Easier for Insurers to Terminate Doctors

Court supported insurance company in termination of doctors after dispute over necessity of services
Patients with posttraumatic stress disorder exhibit alterations in the topological architecture of the brain

Alterations in Topological Architecture of Brain in PTSD

Decreased path length and increased clustering coefficient, global efficiency, and local efficiency
A majority of women who receive false positives on mammography experience distress and anxiety

Most Women Feel Distress With False-Positive Mammogram

Majority had issues such as anxiety, sleeplessness, often persisting long after being declared cancer-free
Too few members of certain minority groups are pursuing careers in U.S. medicine

Too Few Blacks, Hispanics Pursuing Careers As Physicians

Shortage of minority physicians may affect U.S. patient care, experts say