
Plasma ctDNA Genotyping Can Accelerate Time to Treatment for NSCLC


Median time to treatment was 39 days for ACCELERATE cohort versus 62 days for reference cohort using standard tissue genotyping

Nearly Half of Women in Medicine With Children Pass Up Career Advancement


More than three-fourths say they delayed family building

Racial/Ethnic Minorities Underrepresented in Alzheimer Neuroimaging Research


Sample diversity has improved recently, with proportion of Blacks increasing from 3.39 percent in 1994-2017 to 8.29 percent in 2018-2022

Toxicity Reduced With MRI-Guided Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer


Odds ratios for acute grade 2 or higher genitourinary and gastrointestinal toxicities reduced for MRg-A-SBRT versus CT-SBRT

Private Equity Ownership Tied to Higher Costs to Patients


Furthermore, review found mixed to harmful impacts on quality of care

Prevalence of Arthritis 305 Per 100,000 Children, Teens in U.S.


Higher prevalence seen in association with co-occurring conditions, including depression, anxiety, overweight, inactivity

Fewer Physicians Working in Private Practice


AMA survey reveals more physicians are working in large group practices and as employees

Concerning CT Findings Increase Health Care Utilization With Low-Risk Pulmonary Embolism


However, no short-term adverse clinical outcomes seen for these patients versus low-risk patients without concerning findings

Latinos With Advanced Degrees Underrepresented in Health Care Workforce


However, all Latino subgroups overrepresented in health care occupations requiring less than a bachelor's degree

Living in Highly Segregated Neighborhood Tied to Lower Life Expectancy


Association partially mediated by neighborhood-level socioeconomic factors