Few High-Risk Individuals Have Heard of, Discuss Lung Cancer Screening
More than 80 percent of former or current smokers have never heard of nor discussed LCS with a clinician
Asthma Linked to Memory Difficulties in Children
In cross-sectional analysis, children with asthma had lower scores on episodic memory, processing speed, inhibition, and attention
Transitioning to E-Cigarettes Aids Resolution of Respiratory Symptoms
Those who switch to dual use or who maintain, increase smoking intensity have reduced rate of symptom resolution
Childhood Body Mass Index Tied to Later Lung Health
Impairments seen for both persistent low and high body mass index
RSV Vaccination Prevents Associated Hospitalization, Emergency Encounters
Respiratory syncytial virus vaccination effective for adults aged at least 60 years
Smoking Cessation Aids Survival Even Following a Cancer Diagnosis
Maximal survival benefit seen for smoking cessation treatment within six months of diagnosis
Bidirectional Link Seen for Rheumatoid Arthritis, Interstitial Lung Disease
Increased risk for ILD associated with RA among individuals of European and East Asian ancestries
Sleep Apnea Increases Risk for Dementia in Older Adults Over Time
In those with known/suspected sleep apnea, dementia risk was 4.7 percent higher in women and 2.5 percent higher in men
Risk for Meniere Disease Increased With Upper Respiratory Infections
Likelihood of developing MD increased 2.01-fold among those with URI within one year prior to the index date
More Than One-Third Have ED Visit Within 90 Days Before Cancer Diagnosis
Likelihood of emergency department use before cancer diagnosis increases with rurality, living in marginalized areas