For patients with non-small-cell lung cancer with epidermal growth factor receptor mutations

L858R Mutation in Circulating Free DNA Is Prognostic in NSCLC

L858R mutation in tumor tissue or cfDNA is marker of shorter overall, progression-free survival
Hospital design has little effect on patient satisfaction

Hospital Design Has Little Effect on Patient Satisfaction

Aesthetics aren't as important as care from doctors, nurses, and staff, researchers note
A fitness risk score based on exercise stress testing is highly predictive of 10-year survival in adults free from established heart disease

Treadmill-Based Fitness Score Can Predict 10-Year Survival

FIT Treadmill Score easily attainable from any standard exercise test
Key steps should be taken to minimize the potential risk of liability resulting from use of telemedicine

AMA: Key Steps for Minimizing Liability Risk in Telemedicine

Include defining minimum requirement necessary for establishing doctor-patient relationship
Young children are at increased risk of becoming seriously ill with pneumonia -- but unlike in years past

Incidence of Viral Pneumonia Up in Young Children

66 percent of pneumonia cases in more than 2,000 children studied caused by viruses alone
Adults who sleep more than eight hours a night may face a higher risk of stroke

Sleeping More Than Eight Hours a Night May Up Stroke Risk

More than eight hours a night linked to greater odds in study, but cause-and-effect not proved
Heart failure patients who struggle to perform daily tasks are at increased risk for hospitalization and death

Struggle With Routine Tasks Predicts Adverse CHF Outcomes

Struggling patients more likely to be hospitalized than those who can handle basic chores
In 26 U.S. tuberculosis outbreaks the initial source case-patients had long incubation periods and were characterized by substance abuse

Characteristics of Tuberculosis Source Cases Identified

Source-case patients have long infectious periods; most report substance abuse, homelessness, prison

American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, Feb. 20-24

The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology The annual meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology was held from...
The remote patient monitoring sector is growing rapidly and could have a considerable impact on health care

Remote Patient Monitoring Sector Increasing Rapidly

Devices include remote heartbeat monitor, fitness smart socks, and devices for monitoring glucose