The U.S. smoking rate continues to decline

CDC: Smoking Rate Falls to 15.2 Percent in the United States

Higher tobacco taxes, tough messages contributing to decline
The outcome of a recent case regarding the termination of physicians by an insurance company following a dispute over the necessity of medical services provided has serious implications for physicians and their patients

AMA: Ruling Makes It Easier for Insurers to Terminate Doctors

Court supported insurance company in termination of doctors after dispute over necessity of services
For most atrial fibrillation patients taking warfarin who require temporary interruption for a procedure

Periop Bridging Unnecessary for Most A-Fib Patients on Warfarin

Arterial thromboembolism risk doesn't appear to rise without additional drug treatment
Tadalafil (Cialis) combined with ambrisentan (Letairis) significantly reduces the progression of pulmonary arterial hypertension

Cialis Combo Rx Aids Treatment of Pulmonary Arterial HTN

Combining tadalafil, blood pressure med helped patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension
Lung microbiomes are similar in patients with and without HIV

Lung Microbiome Similar With/Without HIV

No relationship seen between CD4 counts and microbiome data
The clothing of parents and visitors may spread respiratory infections to infants in a neonatal intensive care unit

RSV Detected on Parents’ Clothing in NICU

Although detection rate is low
Too few members of certain minority groups are pursuing careers in U.S. medicine

Too Few Blacks, Hispanics Pursuing Careers As Physicians

Shortage of minority physicians may affect U.S. patient care, experts say
Women tend to manage their femininity so as to be considered adherent to the unspoken code of the non-gendered worker

Women in Academic Medicine ‘Manage Femininity’ to Succeed

Strategies for this include appearing easy-going or downplaying differences based on gender
New evidence supports yearly influenza vaccination for protection among nursing home residents

Evidence Supports Flu Vaccine for Nursing Home Residents

Despite debate on effectiveness in this population, it saved lives, prevented hospitalizations
Practices can employ patient and family advisors in order to help them focus on patient-centered care needs

Patient, Family Advisors Can Play Key Role in Practices

Advisors can help practices focus on patient-centered care, rather than assumptions about patient needs