Persistent High Spending Common in Year Before Death
Overall, 48.7 percent of older Medicare beneficiaries who died in 2012 had persistent high spending
Too Many A-Fib Patients Taking Aspirin Instead of Anticoagulant
Anticoagulants -- not aspirin -- dramatically cut the risk of stroke, researchers say
Sleep Apnea Could Worsen Cognitive Deficits in MS Patients
Link found between severity of sleep apnea and performance on attention, memory tests
Tips Provided for Leveraging Social Media
Kevin Pho of KevinMD shares insights into social media use in health care
Surgery Tied to Longer Survival for Lung Cancer Patients
Too few may be getting procedure, research suggests
Reset Room Can Help Address Physician Burnout
Reset room is one of three steps Hennepin County Medical Center has introduced to address burnout
TAVI Can Be Performed Without ICU Admission
Factors predictive of adverse events include right bundle branch block, vitamin K antagonist tx
One Free Meal From Industry Ups Brand-Name Rx Among Doctors
Study sheds light on a popular marketing tactic that may raise drug costs for seniors
Strategy Needed to Address Impending Physician Shortage
AAMC promotes multipronged approach including federal support, technology, care delivery changes
Potential Impact of Single-Payer Health Care Discussed
System could alleviate administrative burden, but may have trade-offs in terms of patient care