Price of Prescription Drugs Almost Threefold Higher in the United States
U.S. prices for brand-name originator drugs 422 percent higher; price of unbranded generics 67 percent of comparison countries
FDA Panel Addresses Accuracy Issues With Pulse Oximeters and Skin Tone
Panel concentrated on how to ensure the accuracy of pulse oximeters for all skin tones before they reach drugstore shelves
Rate of Venous Thromboembolism Increased With Cancer Surgery
Cause-specific hazard ratio for pulmonary embolism peaked after discharge, then plateaued 60 to 90 days later
Recent Cannabis Use Tied to Higher Risk of Current Asthma
Findings show dose-response relationship among U.S. individuals 12 years and older
Philips Suspends U.S. Sales of CPAP, Ventilator Machines After Recall
High-Frequency Jet Ventilation Seems Safe for Lung Ablation
HFJV under general anesthesia as safe as spontaneous respiration under moderate sedation for percutaneous lung ablation
Inherited Genetic Loci Identified for Thinner Retinal Layers Using Optical CT
Thinner retinal layers phenotypically associated with ocular, neuropsychiatric, cardiometabolic, pulmonary conditions
Early Ibuprofen Not Beneficial for Preemies With Patent Ductus Arteriosus
No difference seen in risk for death or moderate or severe bronchopulmonary dysplasia for those receiving ibuprofen versus placebo
American Lung Association Blasts Biden for Inaction on Menthol Cigarette Ban
Maternal COVID-19 Vaccination May Reduce Neonatal Respiratory Distress
The odds of neonatal respiratory distress were higher for unvaccinated mothers versus those vaccinated before infection