
Air Pollution Tied to Multimorbidity Status, Severity


Higher exposures to particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide associated with multimorbidity status in dose-dependent manner

Burnout, Lack of Fulfillment Linked to Physician Intention to Leave


Inverse associations with intention to leave seen for increases in supportive leadership behavior, peer support, perceived gratitude

Benzodiazepines, Antipsychotics Often Recommended as ‘Trip Killers’


Trip killers were mainly discussed in reference to LSD, psilocybin mushrooms, and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine

1999 to 2020 Saw Increase in Suicide Rates Across All Racial Groups


Firearms most common method among men; rapid increases seen among men and women in suicide by hanging

Teen Concussion Tied to Higher Risk for Suicidal Behaviors


Possible dose-response relationship seen for concussions among boys

Psilocybin Effective for Reducing Depression in Patients With Cancer


Patients with cancer, depression report acceptability of psilocybin-assisted therapy group model

Inflammatory-Related Perinatal Factors Tied to Later Childhood Dysregulation


Perinatal factors associated with Child Behavior Checklist emotional, cognitive, and behavioral dysregulation

Long-Term Air Pollution Exposure Tied to Higher Depression, Anxiety Risk


Findings significant and similar for fine particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, and nitric oxide

In Utero Air Pollution Exposure Tied to Infant Neurodevelopmental Delays


Exposure tied to delay in gross motor, fine motor, and personal-social development

High Levels of Air Pollution Tied to Increased Use of Mental Health Services


Findings seen for older adults with dementia