Successful cognitive behavioral therapy for an anxiety disorder in childhood is associated with lasting protection against suicidal ideation

Psychotherapy for Child Anxiety Offers Long-Term Benefits

Responders less likely to endorse lifetime, past-month, past-two-week suicidal ideation
Extended pre-quit bupropion is associated with reduced smoking behavior during the pre-quit period and improved short-term abstinence rates

Extended Pre-Cessation Bupropion Helps Smokers Quit

Reduces smoking behavior during the pre-quit period; improves short-term abstinence rates
Female medical students perform at the same or higher level as men

Confidence Gap Between Male and Female Med Students

Women's answers more accurate than men's, but they are less confident in their responses
A new study finds that treating moderate to severe depression with antidepressants may have an added bonus: reducing cardiovascular risks. The findings are scheduled to be presented March 15 at the annual meeting of the American College of Cardiology

ACC: Antidepressants May Help Reduce Cardiovascular Risk

Reduced risk of death, heart disease, stroke in patients with moderate to severe depression
In accordance with the changes in graduate medical education to better prepare doctors for a changing health care system

Changes Being Made to Med School Applicant Assessment

New skills being emphasized on MCAT; multiple mini-interview technique being adopted
A model has been proposed to explain the influence of inadequate vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids on brain dysfunction via serotonin levels

Model Explores Impact of Vitamin D, Omega-3 Deficiency

Model explains influence of inadequate levels of vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids on brain dysfunction
People who are fit in their 40s seem to retain more brain volume two decades later and also perform better on decision-making tests

AHA: Midlife Fitness Equates to Better Cognition Decades Later

Tests show higher midlife fitness levels tied to greater brain volume, function decades later
Teens who have trouble coping with stress may face an increased risk for future coronary heart disease that even exercise can't erase

Coping With Stress May Be As Key to Heart Health As Exercise

Teens who lack coping skills face raised heart risks that physical fitness does not counter
A mobile phone application has been released to identify current drug shortages

FDA Launches First App to Identify Drug Shortages

App IDs shortages, resolved shortages, product discontinuation; can be used to report shortages
Most primary care physicians are aware of state prescription drug monitoring programs

Many PCPs Not Using Rx Drug Monitoring Programs Routinely

Barriers to use include time-consuming nature of information retrieval; lack of intuitive format for data