About 7 percent of children worldwide have attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Estimates of Childhood ADHD Worldwide Differ Significantly

New research suggest about 7 percent of children worldwide have ADHD
Patients with mitral regurgitation have less depression and anxiety after they undergo surgical repair

Mitral Valve Repair Could Improve Mental Health

Researchers find procedure leads to reduced depression and anxiety

February 2015 Briefing – Psychiatry

Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Psychiatry for February 2015. This roundup includes the latest...
Suicidal ideation is prevalent among patients with fibromyalgia and is strongly associated with mental health

Suicidal Ideation Prevalent in Patients With Fibromyalgia

Strong correlations with depression, anxiety, sleep quality, and global mental health
Hospital design has little effect on patient satisfaction

Hospital Design Has Little Effect on Patient Satisfaction

Aesthetics aren't as important as care from doctors, nurses, and staff, researchers note
Psychological stress correlates with increased risk of peptic ulcer

Stress Ups Risk of Peptic Ulcer Regardless of H. Pylori Status

Psychological stress increases the incidence of peptic ulcer, in part by influencing health risk behaviors
Key steps should be taken to minimize the potential risk of liability resulting from use of telemedicine

AMA: Key Steps for Minimizing Liability Risk in Telemedicine

Include defining minimum requirement necessary for establishing doctor-patient relationship
For patients with diabetes and depression

CBT, Sertraline Insufficient in Diabetes and Depression

Improvement in depression, with advantage for sertraline, but glycemic control remains unchanged
Suicide is a public health concern for patients with genitourinary cancer

Suicide Deemed Public Health Concern in Genitourinary Cancers

Risk factors include male gender, distant disease, increasing age, race/ethnicity
Pediatricians have a role to play in identification and treatment of victims of child sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation of children

Essential Role for Pediatricians in Care of Sexual Exploitation Victims

Roles can include working to increase recognition of commercial sexual exploitation of children