Persistent nonadopters of electronic health records tend to be older

Persistent EHR Nonadoption Could Mean Lower Payment

Less likely to receive additional payments for managing chronic conditions/complex needs
The nationwide Physician Misery Index is 3.7 out of 5

Frustrated by Regulations, Doctors Increasingly Miserable

Geneia and physicians introduce initiative to share ideas to restore the joy to medicine
Coronary heart disease

Stress + Depression = Deadly Combo in Heart Disease

Significant risk of heart attack or death in the short term
Physicians should begin planning their exit strategy three to five years in advance

Physicians Should Plan Exit Strategy in Advance

Planning 3 to 5 years in advance recommended; practice can be transitioned rather than closed
Subthreshold manic or hypomanic episodes may be a diagnostic precursor to bipolar disorder in the children of parents with bipolar disorder

Subthreshold Mania May Mean Bipolarity in High-Risk Youth

Subthreshold episodes are a diagnostic risk factor in offspring of parents with bipolar disorder
The expected shortfall of physicians is projected to reach about 46

AAMC: Significant Shortfall of Physicians Projected for 2025

Demand for physicians increasing faster than supply; shortfall expected to reach 46,100 to 90,400 by 2025
A child may face an increased risk of asthma if the child's mother or father experienced depression during the pregnancy or if the mother took an older antidepressant to treat her condition

Paternal, Maternal Depression May Up Asthma Risk for Baby

And older, but not newer, antidepressants in pregnancy showed similar increased odds
National hospital rating systems are rarely in agreement

National Hospital Rating Systems Rarely in Agreement

None of the hospitals rated as high performer on all four national rating systems
Successful cognitive behavioral therapy for an anxiety disorder in childhood is associated with lasting protection against suicidal ideation

Psychotherapy for Child Anxiety Offers Long-Term Benefits

Responders less likely to endorse lifetime, past-month, past-two-week suicidal ideation
Extended pre-quit bupropion is associated with reduced smoking behavior during the pre-quit period and improved short-term abstinence rates

Extended Pre-Cessation Bupropion Helps Smokers Quit

Reduces smoking behavior during the pre-quit period; improves short-term abstinence rates