A considerable proportion of doctors attend patient funerals

Considerable Number of Doctors Attend Patient Funerals

But major differences between specialties in terms of attendance, barriers and benefits tied to attendance
Constitutional symptoms

Constitutional Symptoms Often Trigger Antibiotic Rx in Elderly

Change in function, mentation often lead to testing, empirical antibiotic use
Cannabis use may raise the risk of psychosis relapse

Dose-Dependent Link Between Cannabis Use, Psychosis Relapse

But researchers note effect is small, and the research isn't definitive
Women who use hormonal methods for birth control may have a higher risk of developing depression -- and teenagers may be most vulnerable

Hormonal Contraception May Raise Depression Risk

Study also ties hormonal patches, IUDs to greater antidepressant use, especially in teens
The proposed capping of copays will raise premiums and is likely to increase drug prices

Capping Copays Will Raise Premiums, Up Drug Prices

Capping likely to benefit about 1 percent of all Americans who take any prescription drug per year
Hatha yoga is a promising method for treating anxiety

Hatha Yoga Shows Promise in Treating Anxiety

Comparison with cognitive behavioral therapy needed, authors say
Wary of the stigma of a mental health diagnosis and its toll on their careers

Many Doctors Reluctant to Reveal Mental Health Issues

Perceived stigma, fear of career repercussions hinder treatment, study suggests
In young Faroese adults

Mercury Exposure Cancels Cognitive Benefits of Exercise

Aerobic exercise benefits cognition, but not after high levels of prenatal mercury exposure
Any skill enhancements linked to gaming among those aged 7 to 11 max out after two hours of gaming a week

Negative Effects Seen With Video Gaming 9+ Hours/Week

Benefits seen with one hour a week, but behavioral problems appear to rise at nine hours a week
Anxiety disorders are an important clinical problem in patients with end-stage renal disease treated with hemodialysis

Anxiety Disorders Important in ESRD Treated With Hemodialysis

Screening strategies are needed, as is further research on appropriate therapeutic approach