Escalating prices of the drug naloxone may threaten efforts to reduce opioid-related deaths across America

Naloxone Price Hikes Could Affect Rates of Opioid-Related Deaths

Investigators identify strategies for ensuring the drug's availability
The prevalence of disability is 2.7 percent among medical students at U.S. allopathic medical schools

Prevalence of Disability 2.7 Percent at U.S. Medical Schools

Most common disability is ADHD followed by learning disabilities and psychological disabilities
Specific learning interventions may improve emotional well-being among medical students

Learning Interventions Can Improve Med Student Well-Being

Environmental interventions such as pass/fail grading system, mental health programs beneficial
More older Americans are using cannabis

Cannabis Use Up in Americans Aged 50 and Up

Americans 65-plus more than doubled their use of cannabis over eight years
There are fewer school shootings in states that have tighter gun control laws and spend more on mental health care and public education

Fewer School Shootings in States With Tighter Gun Laws

Study also found that states that spent more money on mental health care, education saw less violence
A resistance band exercise program lessens depression and behavioral problems among older

Resistance Band Exercise Aids Nursing Home Residents

Less depression, behavioral problems seen among wheelchair-bound participants
Patients with colonic diverticular disease may be at an increased risk for dementia

Colonic Diverticular Disease May Increase Dementia Risk

In large Taiwanese cohort, overall rate of dementia higher in group with disease than in controls
For veterans with dementia

Potentially Unsafe Med Scripts Up for Dual Users With Dementia

Rates of PUM are higher among veterans with dementia using VA-Medicare Part D system
The prevalences of depression or depressive symptoms and suicide ideation are 27.2 and 11.1 percent

Depression, Suicide Ideation Prevalent in Medical Students

Prevalence of depression or depressive symptoms is 27.2 percent; suicide ideation, 11.1 percent
A minority of patients with postconcussion syndrome recover

Many With Postconcussion Syndrome Don’t Recover

Only 27 percent of population recovered; 67 percent of those who recovered did so in first year