Electrical stimulation of the brain may temporarily ease the symptoms of bulimia nervosa

Low Levels of Brain Stimulation May Lessen Bulimia Symptoms

Researchers found symptoms of eating disorder lessened in first 24 hours after treatment
A majority of primary care doctors oppose full repeal of the Affordable Care Act

Most PCPs Oppose Complete Repeal of the Affordable Care Act

Though many would support changes, only 15 percent want law completely dismantled
Anxiety and depression may increase the risk of death from certain cancers

Anxiety, Depression May Up Mortality Risk for Some Cancers

Higher death rates seen for colorectal, esophageal, pancreatic, and prostate cancers, leukemia
For patients with generalized anxiety disorder

Mindfulness-Based Class Aids Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Reduction in stress markers for patients with GAD undergoing mindfulness-based stress reduction class
Breast cancer can take a heavy toll on the partners of patients

Many Partners of Young Breast Cancer Patients Suffer Anxiety

Anxiety is common even several years later, researchers find
A genetic variant associated with opioid addiction may lead to personalized treatment for the condition

Gene May ID Patients Needing Higher Doses of Methadone

Specific gene affects patients with African ancestry
For breast cancer survivors

Intervention Reduces Fear of Recurrence in Breast CA Survivors

Attention and Interpretation Modification for Fear of Breast Cancer Recurrence improves health worries
Childhood psoriasis impacts parents' quality of life in multiple domains

Psoriasis Impacts QoL for Parents of Affected Children

Negative impact on quality of life in multiple domains, especially emotional well-being
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) may increase a first-time mother's risk of postpartum depression

GDM Found to Increase Risk for Postpartum Depression

Researchers find odds up even more if woman has suffered an earlier bout of depression
An internet-based program to improve mental acuity may help patients cope with tinnitus

Cognitive Training Can Positively Affect Perception of Tinnitus

Researchers find computer-based program allows patients to cope better with tinnitus