
Use of Medications for Alcohol Use Disorder Improves Outcomes


Reduction seen in incidence of composite outcome of all-cause mortality, return to hospital with MAUD initiation at discharge

AI Model Can Predict Depression Severity From White People’s Facebook Posts


Despite extensive training, model not effective in detecting depression severity in posts by Black people

U.S. Doctors Received Industry Payments of $12.13 Billion From 2013 to 2022


57.1 percent of physicians received payments; median payment was $48, but considerable variation seen in payments

ACC: Small but Significant Risk for Cardiomyopathy Seen With ADHD Meds


Risk for cardiomyopathy increased with duration of treatment for adults aged 20 to 40 years with ADHD

Regular, Long-Term Physical Activity Tied to Better Sleep Outcomes


Physical activity tied to fewer insomnia symptoms and extreme sleep durations, both long and short

Four in 10 Adults Choose Telemedicine Visits


Video visits less likely among older patients and those without internet access

Mental Health Treatment Linked to Better Outcomes in CAD, Heart Failure


Patients receiving mental health treatment less likely to be rehospitalized, have ED visit, die from any cause

ADHD Medications Linked to Reduction in Psychiatric Hospitalizations


Reduced risk for psychiatric, nonpsychiatric hospitalization seen with use of ADHD meds among adolescents, adults with ADHD

Motor Skills, Sensory Features Differ in Autism With, Without ADHD


Differences in motor skills, sensory and autism features, but not ADHD features, impact daily living skills in children with autism

Physicians Concerned About Private Equity’s Impact on Health Care


Greatest concerns are around physician well-being, health care spending, and equity