For patients with knee osteoarthritis

Long-Term NSAID Use Beneficial in Knee Osteoarthritis

Improvements in pain, stiffness, physical function, and in knee joint space width
Researchers are not promptly reporting the results of clinical trials to

Clinical Trial Data Often Not Reported in Timely Manner

Delays in filing findings on new treatments mean patients aren't informed, researcher says
Considerable safety concerns surround use of melatonin for children with sleep disorders

Melatonin Use in Children Raises Safety Concerns

Reproductive effects in animal models; long-term endocrine effects have not been assessed in children
For men with prostate cancer

CVD Risk Up With Androgen Deprivation Tx in Prostate Cancer

Highest risk during first 6 months of ADT among men who had ≥2 cardiovascular events before tx

Age, Race May Affect Tx Decision Regret in Prostate Cancer

Type of treatment, effect on spousal relationship also may predict treatment decisional regret
For patients with knee osteoarthritis

Guidelines Provided for Viscosupplementation in Knee OA

Case vignette addresses hierarchy of treatment, starting with nonpharmacologic options
Limited evidence supports use of herbal remedies in gastrointestinal disorders

Limited Evidence Supporting Herbal Meds in GI Disorders

Lack of evidence for adherence to good manufacturing practice guidelines
Statins may slow down prostate cancer in men who are also on androgen deprivation therapy

Statins May Help Slow Progression of Prostate Cancer

Findings among men taking a statin alongside androgen deprivation therapy
A new study in mice hints at the success of a vaccine against the herpes simplex virus. The research was published online March 9 in eLife.

HSV-2 Vaccine Shows Promise in Experimental Research

Study in mice hints at the success of a vaccine against the virus
A monthly educational intervention paired with a web-based quality improvement tool is feasible for increasing the proportion of inappropriate proton pump inhibitor prescriptions discontinued at hospital discharge

Educational Intervention Can Cut Inappropriate PPI Prescriptions

Increase in proportion of PPIs discontinued at hospital discharge after intervention implementation