Fear of corporate defamation lawsuits should not prevent medical journals from investigating corporate products

Medical Journals Should Not Be Swayed by Fear of Libel Lawsuits

Fear of corporate defamation lawsuits should not prevent examination of corporate products
New research supports previous findings that erythromycin can increase the risk of infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (IHPS). The research also indicates that azithromycin is associated with a higher risk of IHPS when given to infants under 6 weeks old. The findings were published online Feb. 16 in the Pediatrics.

Certain Macrolides Linked With Higher Risk of Pyloric Stenosis

Risk, though small, appears highest when medications given in first six weeks
Some bakery products sold as free of cow's milk may not be safe for those with milk allergies because they still contain milk protein

Milk Protein Detected in Some ‘Cow’s Milk-Free’ Baked Goods

Cow's milk protein detected in non-prepacked bakery products sold as free of cow's milk
From 1980 to 2010 the Latino physician shortage worsened

Latino Physician Shortage Has Worsened Since 1980

Decrease in Latino physician rate per 100,000 of the Latino population from 1980 to 2010
Picky eating is usually a transient behavior in early childhood

Picky Eating Usually Transient Among Preschool Children

High remittance among picky eaters; group of persistent picky eaters still picky at age 6 years
Electronic documentation produces more complete records of pediatric trauma resuscitations than paper documentation

Electronic Beats Paper Record in Peds Trauma Resuscitations

Superior records of pediatric trauma resuscitations for electronic versus paper documentation
Patients often prefer physicians with formal attire and white coats

Patients Tend to Prefer Formal Physician Attire

Patient preferences influenced by age, geographic location, context of care
Prenatal exposure to tobacco is associated with shorter fetal telomere length

Maternal Smoking Linked to Shorter Fetal Telomere Length

Tobacco exposure may result in early intrauterine programming
Adults who had low vitamin D levels as children and teens may be more likely to have atherosclerosis

Low Childhood Vitamin D Levels May Up Adult CVD Risk

Chances of atherosclerosis were higher in those who did not get enough of the vitamin when young
Yoga is increasingly popular among U.S. adults and children

Americans’ Complementary Health Approaches Changing

Yoga practice and fish oil use up, some other supplement use down