The Tacaribe virus

Florida Researchers Discover New Virus in Ticks

Tacaribe virus, not known to cause human infections, is in arenavirus family
There appears to be an association between teenage acne and melanoma

Teenage Acne Linked to Melanoma in Women

Findings show increased risk of melanoma after adjustment for known risk factors
In the United States

Race, Ethnicity Appear to Affect Lupus Prognosis in U.S.

Asians, Hispanics have lower mortality rates
After menopause

Insulin Resistance Ups Breast Cancer Risk Regardless of BMI

Study of postmenopausal women suggests hormone levels matter more than excess weight
This season's influenza vaccine reduces the risk of needing medical care because of the flu by only 23 percent

CDC: This Year’s Flu Vaccination Offers 23 Percent Protection

CDC urges early antiviral treatment if symptoms appear
Trends show that diabetes incidence has stayed higher in recent decades than it was in the 1970s

Obesity Up in Past Decade, but Diabetes Incidence Stable

Risk of new-onset diabetes higher in the 1990s and 2000s than in the 1970s
A diagnosis of metabolic syndrome is associated with higher risk of endometrial cancer

Metabolic Sx Tied to Higher Risk of Endometrial Cancer

Excess weight likely a big factor, but other conditions also appear to matter
The chances of being diagnosed with early breast cancer

Race, Ethnicity Impact Breast Cancer Prognosis

New research finds biological differences in tumor type, behavior
Working long hours may raise the risk for alcohol abuse

Working Long Hours? Beware Risky Alcohol Consumption

Researchers find link between long hours on the job and excess alcohol consumption
Rates of many types of hospital-acquired infections are on the decline

Rates of Hospital-Acquired Infection on the Decline

Still, more work to be done says CDC director