The risk for developing a glioma appears to go up with long-term use of hormonal contraceptives

Hormonal Contraceptives Linked to Higher Risk of Glioma

But odds of any one user getting the tumor remain extremely small, experts stress
The incidence of hospitalizations for pulmonary embolism increased from 2001 to 2010

Incidence of PE Hospitalizations Rises From 2001 to 2010

Seasonal variation seen in PE hospitalizations, with higher number of admissions in winter
Coffee drinkers have a lower risk of malignant melanoma

Coffee Consumption Linked With Reduced Melanoma Risk

Trend toward more protection with higher intake
Women who harbor the bacteria Helicobacter pylori may be less likely to develop multiple sclerosis

H. Pylori Tied to Lower Risk of Multiple Sclerosis in Women

Research suggests infection with H. pylori may be somewhat protective
The terms in health care payer contracts are not immutable

Docs Should Negotiate Health Care Payer Contracts

Items to negotiate include easing of prior authorization process, extension for submitting claim
For fourth-year medical students

Collaboration Between Med Students Cuts Diagnostic Errors

Diagnostic accuracy higher for pairs than individuals assessing cases of respiratory distress
For patients with suspected infection or inflammation

CRP/ESR Disagreement Common in Infection, Inflammation

Twenty percent of patients who underwent repeat testing had disagreement on initial test
An experimental test which checks sputum for three microRNA biomarkers of lung cancer was able to distinguish early-stage lung cancer from noncancerous nodules the majority of the time

Sputum Biomarkers May Help ID Malignant Lung Nodules

More than 80 percent correct in ID of cancerous nodules, but accuracy still needs improving
Physicians work long hours

Most Docs Work 40 to 60 Hours Per Week

Considerable proportion work 61 to 80 or more hours; half of docs would prefer to work fewer hours
Screening white men with a family history of prostate cancer appears to be associated with a decrease in prostate cancer-specific mortality

Prostate Cancer Mortality Benefit Seen for Family Hx-Based Screens

However, on multivariate analysis, finding did not reach statistical significance