Accelerated Aging Linked to Increased Odds of Preneoplastic Polyps in the Colon
16 percent higher odds of harboring a PNP seen with one year of accelerated aging
SABCS: Risk-Reducing Surgery Improves Outcomes in Young Breast Cancer Patients With BRCA Mutations
Findings show survival benefits for both risk-reducing mastectomy and salpingo-oophorectomy
Patient in Louisiana Hospitalized With First Bird Flu Case in That State
Recommendations Updated on Diagnosis, Management of Premature/Primary Ovarian Insufficiency
Significant changes from previous guideline include recommendation that only FSH >25 IU required for POI diagnosis
Thicker Melanoma Tumor Size Tied to Higher Risk of 20-Year Melanoma-Related Death
Findings for primary tumors of 0.8 to 1.0 mm versus those <0.8 mm
Mystery Illness Outbreak in Congo May Be Malaria
Model Including Polygenic Risk, Polysocial Score Improves CHD Risk Prediction
Polygenic risk score and polysocial score have independent and additive effects on coronary heart disease
Transmission of RV5 Strain Occurs Infrequently in Neonatal ICU
Estimated rate of transmission was 2.2 per 1,000 patient-days at risk; no gastroenteritis symptoms seen in transmission cases
1990 to 2021 Saw Decline in Life Expectancy in the United States
Rankings of life expectancy and healthy life expectancy declined for males and females in the United States
USPSTF Issues Draft Recommendation Statement for Cervical Cancer Screening
Screening recommended every three years with cervical cytology for women aged 21 to 29 years, every five years with hrHPV screening at age 30 to 65 years