Age at revision cochlear implantation does not impact post-revision speech perception performance

Age Doesn’t Affect Outcome of Revision Cochlear Implantation

Restoration in speech perception scores after revision cochlear implantation in younger, older cohorts
Physicians have ranked electronic health record systems based on five key performance areas

Physicians Rank the Best EHR Systems of 2014

EHRs ranked in five performance areas, including quality of care, patient portal, technical support
For patients with recalcitrant psoriasis associated with episodes of tonsillitis

Tonsillectomy May Benefit Tonsillitis-Associated Psoriasis

Review shows improvement in psoriasis for some patients; improvement not always sustained
Many physicians report encountering barriers when referring cancer patients to specialty care

Physicians Hit Barriers in Making Cancer Referrals

Sixty percent of physicians report encountering any barrier to cancer specialty referrals
The terms in health care payer contracts are not immutable

Docs Should Negotiate Health Care Payer Contracts

Items to negotiate include easing of prior authorization process, extension for submitting claim
For fourth-year medical students

Collaboration Between Med Students Cuts Diagnostic Errors

Diagnostic accuracy higher for pairs than individuals assessing cases of respiratory distress
Physicians work long hours

Most Docs Work 40 to 60 Hours Per Week

Considerable proportion work 61 to 80 or more hours; half of docs would prefer to work fewer hours
Going through a surgery often means postoperative pain for children

Patient-Selected Audio Therapy May Ease Pediatric Post-Op Pain

Listening to favorite songs, even audiobooks, appears to ease discomfort
Defensive medicine is commonly practiced among surgeons and radiologists in Austria

Defensive Medicine Common Among Surgeons, Radiologists

More than one-quarter of diagnostics ordered for defensive reasons in Austria
The increasing use of medical scribes should not be a replacement for improving electronic health records

Impact of Medical Scribes on EHR Advancement Discussed

Use of medical scribes should not be replacement for improvement of EHRs