Many American parents still have misconceptions about when their children should receive antibiotics and what the medications do

Antibiotic Misconceptions Still Common Among Parents

Those with Medicaid insurance tend to know less about the drugs, researchers find
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation can improve tinnitus severity

Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Treats Tinnitus

Significantly more responders to treatment with 10 days of active versus placebo rTMS
Clinicians may be biased when it comes to the sexual orientation of patients

Clinicians May Harbor Biases About Sexual Orientation

Findings show need for sensitivity training, expert suggests
Strategies should be adopted to help with implementation of the Choosing Wisely program

Choosing Wisely: How to Implement in Clinical Practice

Strategies to improve chance of success include familiarization with evidence behind recs
Measures can be taken to encourage patients to use patient portals to help ensure practices meet current Stage 2 meaningful use requirements

AMA Suggests Ways to Encourage Use of Patient Portals

Suggestions include training staff on portal use; showing patients how to use the portal
Use of an arts observation curriculum can help students learn to observe objectively and articulate their observations

Arts Observation Curriculum May Be Beneficial for Medical Students

Learning to observe objectively and communicate observations important in clinical practice
Among institutional review board members

Progress in Reporting Conflict of Interest Among IRB Members

Percentage of members who felt another member didn't disclose financial relationships down '05 to '14
Most U.S. plastic surgeons use fat grafting to enhance the effects of facelifts

Fat Grafting Widely Used During Facelift Surgery

Survey results from random sample of members of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force has concluded that the current evidence is insufficient to weigh the benefits and harms of screening for speech and language delays in children aged younger than 5 years. The final recommendation statement has been published online July 7 in Pediatrics.

USPSTF: Evidence Lacking for Speech, Language Screening

Grade I recommendation finds insufficient evidence for assessing benefits, harms of preschool screening
Patients undergoing brain or spine surgery are at no greater risk if residents assist during the operation

No ‘Downside’ With Residents Assisting During Surgery

Findings might help reassure concerned patients