For patients treated for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma

No Specific Findings to ID Recurrence in Head and Neck CA

No definite index of symptoms or signs indicating local recurrence, second primary malignancy
A new report commissioned by the U.S. government contends that most Americans will encounter at least one diagnostic error in their lifetime

IOM: Most U.S. Patients Will Experience Diagnostic Error

Panel urges changes to an increasingly complex health care system
Health insurance deductibles have risen more than six times faster than American workers' average wages since 2010

Health Insurance Deductibles Rising Faster Than Wages

One in five workers now have a deductible of $2,000 or more
Pretreatment neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio and platelet-lymphocyte ratio may be predictors for survival in nasopharyngeal carcinoma

Hematologic Markers Predict Nasopharyngeal Cancer Survival

High neutrophil-lymphocyte, platelet-lymphocyte ratios tied to shorter survival
Many medical schools are integrating discussions of cost

Medical Schools Teaching Students About Costs of Care

Importance of understanding costs due to ACA, prevalence of high-deductible plans
For children undergoing adenotonsillectomy

Hemorrhage Post Adenotonsillectomy Less Common With OSA

Although children with obstructive sleep apnea appear to have more respiratory complications

Docs in Productivity Models Likely to Encounter Compensation Caps

Physicians, especially those working in a productivity model, must understand compensation caps
In 2012 there were an estimated 301 physician office visits per 100 persons

2012 Office Visits 57% Higher for Women than Men, Ages 1864

Visit rate also higher for adults aged 65 years and older
Choosing preferred activities for a work break and taking a break earlier in the shift are linked to more resource recovery after a break

Mid-Morning May Be Best Time for Workday Break

Longer breaks, frequent short breaks linked to more resource recovery than infrequent short breaks
Physicians who volunteer their medical expertise should consider their legal risks

Volunteer Doctors Need to Check Liability Coverage

Immunity laws vary by state; liability policies vary coverage outside of regular practice