Eight reasons associated with patient's intentional nonadherence to medications have been identified in a report published by the American Medical Association.

AMA: Eight Reasons for Nonadherence to Medications

Reasons include fear of side effects, costs, misunderstanding of the need for medications
Children exposed to secondhand smoke at 4 months of age may be at risk for tooth decay by age 3

Secondhand Smoke in Infancy May Harm Children’s Teeth

Exposure increases risk of cavities, researchers report
In Australia

Cancers Differ in Indigenous, Non-Indigenous Populations

Generally, indigenous cancer rates lower, except for lung cancer in men, cervical in women
A statistical tool can accurately estimate an individual patient's risk of developing a major complication after surgery for oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma

Statistical Tool Predicts Risk of Major Post-Op Complications

Tool validated in patients treated for oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma
Intrinsic qualities of safety-net hospitals

Safety-Net Hospitals Have Higher Costs, Worse Outcomes

Found to have higher mortality, readmission, surgical costs after controlling for patient factors
More nurses and electronic medical records can help hospitals overcome the "weekend effect" associated with urgent general surgery procedures performed on weekends

Hospital Factors Can Overcome ‘Weekend Effect’

Improved staffing; electronic records; additional inpatient, aftercare resources help
When compared to 12 other industrialized nations

Americans Spend More on Health Care, but Fare Worse

Comparison with 12 industrialized nations shows more money spent, but life expectancy is lowest
The rate of concussions associated with isolated mandible fractures is high

High Rate of Concussion Linked to Isolated Mandible Fractures

Mechanism of injury assault in 12 of 16 patients; half of patients admit alcohol use
Acute care revisits occur with considerable frequency among low-risk patients undergoing ambulatory operations

Substantial Proportion of Revisits Post Ambulatory Sx Occur in ER

Across six diverse types of surgery, revisits seen in 94.9 per 1,000 operations
The Guidelines International Network has developed principles for disclosure and management of conflicts of interest during the clinical practice guideline development process

Guidelines Developed for Managing Conflicts of Interest

Core principles developed for managing COIs during the clinical practice guideline development process