
Physician Empathy Inversely Linked to Patients’ Back Pain Intensity, HRQOL


For chronic low back pain patients, lower mean pain intensity and fewer HRQOL deficits seen for those with very empathetic physicians

Preop Intranasal Povidone-Iodine Reduces Rate of Surgical Site Infection


Deep surgical site infection rate decreased postintervention in patients undergoing arthroplasty and spine surgery

AI Tools Help Predict Complications Following Lower-Extremity Fracture


XGBoost identified as optimal model, achieving average test AUC of 0.90 before synthetic minority oversampling technique

Progressive Resistance Training Not Superior for Hip Osteoarthritis


Progressive resistance training not superior to neuromuscular exercise for improving functional performance, hip pain, QOL

Femoral Nerve Block Cuts Opioid Use in ACL Reconstruction


Lower incidence of excessive opioid consumption seen for patients receiving femoral nerve block versus adductor canal block

Review Compares Analgesic Interventions After Shoulder Surgery


Lowest pain scores at 12 hours after surgery seen with continuous nerve block; very low pain scores also seen at 24, 48 hours

Cures Act Tied to Quicker Release, Access of Imaging Reports


Additionally, proportion of patients who accessed their reports before the ordering provider increased

U.S. Doctors Received Industry Payments of $12.13 Billion From 2013 to 2022


57.1 percent of physicians received payments; median payment was $48, but considerable variation seen in payments

Increased Morbidity Risks Seen for Male, Female p.C282Y Homozygotes


Increased risks seen for those with baseline hemochromatosis diagnoses and for those undiagnosed with hemochromatosis

Generalized Joint Hypermobility May Increase Risk for Long COVID


Hypermobility also predicts greater fatigue levels