
President-Elect Trump to Pick Mehmet Oz to Head CMS


Oz worked as a heart surgeon before helming a hugely successful daytime talk show, focused on health and medicine

President-Elect Trump Nominates Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to Lead HHS


RFK Jr. has courted controversy in recent years with his views on vaccines, fluoride in drinking water, unpasteurized milk

Movie Characters With Strabismus Likely to be Portrayed Negatively


Characters with strabismus from animated movies are more likely to be portrayed as unintelligent, villains, followers

Genetic Testing Rate Lower for Blacks With Inherited Retinal Diseases


Genetic detection rates lower for Blacks than non-Hispanic Whites based on data collected at the University of Michigan, Blueprint Genetics

Policies About Late-Career Physicians Are Considered Successful


Policies varied in the testing required, funding, processes after a positive screening result, and decision-making around concerning results

American Academy of Ophthalmology, Oct. 18-21

By Beth Gilbert HealthDay Reporter The annual meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology was held from Oct. 18 to 21 in Chicago and attracted participants from...

AAO: Prior Intravitreal Injections Increase Risk for Cataract Surgery Complications


Findings show higher risk for nonclearing vitreous hemorrhage, retinal tear and detachment, anterior vitrectomy, and glaucoma surgery

AAO: One Year of Valacyclovir Beneficial for Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus


Significant treatment benefits seen at 18 months; in addition, risk for experiencing subsequent end points lower with valacyclovir

FDA Appoints New Head of Medical Devices

By Ernie Mundell HealthDay Reporter WEDNESDAY, Oct. 23, 2024 (HealthDay News) -- The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced Tuesday that it has appointed Dr....

AAO: Corneal Toxicity Reported With Mirvetuximab Soravtansine


Corneal toxicity not uncommon with MIRV treatment for primary gynecologic malignancies, usually resolves