Legalization of medical marijuana and its associated availability have affected prescribing patterns and spending in Medicare Part D

Medical Marijuana Laws Affect Medicare Part D Spending

Implementation of medical marijuana laws linked to reductions in Medicare program, enrollee spending
Severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy or proliferative diabetic retinopathy

Diabetic Retinopathy Independently Tied to Depression

Severe nonproliferative/proliferative diabetic retinopathy linked to greater depressive symptoms
Only about half of trials registered at are listed in the largest data-sharing repository

Many Clinical Trials Are Not Listed in Data-Sharing Repository

Fifty-three percent of randomized clinical trials were listed at Clinical Study Data Request website
Electrical pulses to the brain may help restore vision in some partially blind patients

Brain Stimulation Could Restore Vision in Glaucoma Patients

Small study found 10 days of electrical stimulation restored some lost vision for some patients

June 2016 Briefing – Ophthalmology

Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Ophthalmology for June 2016. This roundup includes the latest...
In 2016

U.S. Cancer Survivors Aging, Battling Other Chronic Disease

Likelihood of other chronic conditions will stress health care system in next two decades
There is a positive association between reported pharmaceutical payments and use of aflibercept and ranibizumab injections among ophthalmologists who prescribe anti-vascular endothelial growth factor medications

Pharmaceutical Payments Linked to Anti-VEGF Injection Use

Findings among U.S. ophthalmologists who prescribed anti-VEGF medications
An implant that helps the aging eye focus on small print and nearby objects has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

FDA Approves Eye Implant to Correct Presbyopia in Middle Age

Tiny lens reshapes cornea to improve focus on small print, close objects
Physicians using electronic practice tools report higher rates of burnout and increased frustration with the amount of computerized paperwork

Electronic Record Demands Are Overwhelming Many Physicians

Survey found those who have to use EHRs/CPOEs report more burnout, job dissatisfaction
Guidelines have been updated for monitoring and management of pediatric patients before

Guidance Updated for Sedation of Pediatric Patients

Safe sedation needs a systematic approach, including medical supervision, pre-sedation assessment