Surgeons who are less likely to discuss the preventability of an adverse event are more likely to be negatively affected by disclosure of these events

Disclosure of Adverse Events May Impact Surgeon Well-Being

Those who report difficulty discussing experiences more likely to be negatively affected by disclosure
While overall U.S. medical spending growth slowed between 2004 and 2013

Health Expenditures Rising for Middle Class, Wealthy

But, since 2004, simultaneous decline in expenditures for the nonelderly poor
Medicare per capita spending was much higher for beneficiaries who died during 2014 than for those who survived the entire year

Medicare Spending Up for Decedents Versus Survivors

Average per capita spending for Medicare beneficiaries who died 4-fold higher than survivors
Labor compensation remains the single largest contributor to costs among physicians' offices

Labor Compensation, Purchased Goods, Service Biggest Spends

Purchased goods and services saw the largest increase in 2012 spending
The therapeutic benefit of stellate ganglion block for debilitating photophobia secondary to trigeminal postherpetic neuralgia has been described in a case report published online July 5 in Pain Practice.

Stellate Ganglion Block Beneficial in Postherpetic Neuralgia

Report demonstrates benefit in severe photophobia secondary to trigeminal postherpetic neuralgia
Stress and burnout are increasingly prevalent among physicians

Burnout Can Have Acute Personal, Professional Consequences

Physician burnout can contribute to failed relationships, substance abuse, suicidal ideation
An average delay of 3.1 years for an initial diabetes eye exam was found in a recent Australian study. The findings were published online in a letter to the editor June 27 in Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology.

Three-Year Delays Seen in First Referral for Diabetic Retinopathy

Findings from study of general practitioners in Victoria, Australia
Growth in U.S. health spending is expected to average 5.8 percent for 2015 to 2025

Growth in U.S. Health Spending Set to Average 5.8 Percent

By 2025, health spending is expected to account for 20.1 percent of the economy
Women who undergo a corneal transplant may have a worse outcome if their donor is male

Male→Female Corneal Transplants at Greater Risk of Failure

Study suggests incompatibility with the Y chromosome, poor outcomes
Pediatric patients undergoing general anesthesia have reductions in intraocular pressure

Intraocular Pressure Down With Anesthesia in Children

Lowest IOP measured immediately after anesthesia induction; increases during deep anesthesia, reversal