Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) and AHR ligands prevent formation of transforming growth factor-β-dependent myofibroblast formation in thyroid eye disease

AHR Ligands May Be Therapeutic in Thyroid Eye Disease

Prevent formation of TGF-β-dependent myofibroblasts, dependent on AHR expression
For infants with congenital Zika syndrome

Zika Virus Can Cause Retinal Damage in Infants

Severe damage caused to retina, including internal, external layers, choroid in congenital Zika syndrome
Human resource capabilities are positively associated with quality of patient care

HR Capabilities Positively Linked to Quality of Patient Care

Three human resource practices identified that can improve clinical work behaviors
Protamine has a dose-dependent antimicrobial effect

Protamine Has Dose-Dependent Antimicrobial Effect

Addition of EDTA, PHMB increased the antimicrobial effect in all strains except P. aeruginosa ATCC6538
Does playing video games on an iPad work better than standard eye patching for improving vision in children with amblyopia? Two new studies published online in JAMA Ophthalmology reach seemingly contradictory answers.

Using iPads to Treat Amblyopia Produces Mixed Results

Benefits seen but no clear, long-term advantages to binocular gaming over patching
An adapted clinical practice guideline

Guideline Adapted for Surgical Antimicrobial Prophylaxis

ADAPTE methodology was used to produce an adapted clinical practice guideline for SAP
Ocular syphilis has been identified in jurisdictions in the United States

Ocular Syphilis Cases May Be Increasing in United States

Among total syphilis surveillance cases in eight jurisdictions, 0.65 percent indicated ocular symptoms
Five strategies can be employed by physicians in order to help reduce the risk of lawsuits

Five Strategies Can Reduce Risk of Medical Lawsuits

Strategies include documenting everything, being transparent with patients, showing empathy
Paintball guns pose the greatest risk of vision loss among the sports most commonly associated with eye injuries

~30K Sports-Related Eye Injuries Yearly in U.S. Emergency Rooms

Paintball and air-gun eye injuries account for large percentage of cases involving vision loss

October 2016 Briefing – Ophthalmology

Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Ophthalmology for October 2016. This roundup includes the latest...