There is moderate interobserver agreement among glaucoma specialists using two glaucoma progression software packages

Moderate Interobserver Agreement for Glaucoma Software

Moderate agreement for visual field and OCT glaucoma progression software packages
Most provider organizations can offer a cost estimate

Most Health Care Providers Can Offer Cost Estimate

Although 75 percent of provider organizations can offer estimate, only 25% of patients request one
Pregnant women infected with the Zika virus are 20 times more likely to have an infant born with certain birth defects as mothers who gave birth before the Zika epidemic began

CDC: Odds of Birth Defects Up 20-Fold in Mothers With Zika

Report only addresses physical abnormalities present at birth; developmental issues may occur later
The characteristics of the signal in user feedback of adverse events associated with medical devices and the situated context of decision makers correlate with judgement bias in reacting to these adverse events

Judgement Bias in Medical Device Recall Decisions

Decision makers in firms either over-react or under-react, researchers say

Overall, 8.8 Percent of U.S. Population Uninsured in 2016

In first nine months of 2016, 12.3 percent of adults aged 18 to 64 and 5 percent of children uninsured

February 2017 Briefing – Ophthalmology

Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Ophthalmology for February 2017. This roundup includes the latest...
Young people with type 2 diabetes are much more likely to show signs of complications from the disease than those who have type 1 diabetes

Complication Rates Often Higher in Youth With T2DM Versus T1DM

However, no longer an excess of complications for type 2 diabetes after controlling for obesity
For physicians across specialties

Physician Burnout Eroding Sense of Calling

Physicians who are completely burned out have lower odds of six validated aspects of sense of calling
Steps should be taken to protect medical practices

Strategies Suggested to Protect Practices From Hackers

Small practices are a target, especially as larger organizations improve their security
Young children should be screened at least once for amblyopia before they turn 5 years old

Task Force Recommends Vision Screening in Children 3 to 5

Children should be screened for amblyopia before the age of 5