Spin in biomedical literature (also referred to as "science hype") is prevalent

‘Science Spin’ Found Prevalent in Biomedical Literature

Nature of spin varies, with highest variability in prevalence of spin seen in trials
Adult women have a higher prevalence of conjunctivitis than men

Conjunctivitis Prevalence Higher for Adult Women Than Men

Bimodal age distribution; highest rates in children younger than 7, minor mode in early adulthood
Physicians spend almost six hours per day in the electronic health record

Doctors Spend Almost Six Hours Per Day on EHR Tasks

Clerical and administrative tasks including order entry, billing account for almost half of hours
Most physicians on Twitter with a financial conflict of interest and frequent tweets mention specific drugs for which they have a conflict

Physicians Tweeting About Drugs May Have Conflict of Interest

Physicians with financial conflict of interest often mention specific drugs for which they have a conflict
Reduced neuro-retinal rim area (RA) is associated with narrow central retinal venular equivalent (CRVE) and higher intraocular pressure (IOP)

Study IDs Determinants of the Neuro-Retinal Rim Area

Concurrent role for pressure, vascular factors in glaucomatous nerve damage
Certain aspects of empathy improve during medical student training

Some Aspects of Empathy Improve During Medical Training

Decrease in empathy as assessed by JSPE, but overall cognitive empathy improved on the QCAE
Humanitarian surgical care has been provided to local national civilians during the Afghanistan conflict

Study Details Humanitarian Surgical Care in Afghanistan

A total of 5,768 local national civilians had surgery; 49.3 percent classified as non-war-related conditions
Does being a physician carry a moral obligation to respond to calls for medical assistance on airplanes? That is the topic of an article published in the Sept. 12 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Are Physicians Obligated to Help on Planes?

One administrative physician explains his sense of obligation to help
Retinal maldevelopment associated with congenital Zika syndrome is similar to the maldevelopment seen with cobalamin C deficiency

Zika, Cobalamin C Deficiency Tied to Similar Retinal Problems

Congenital Zika syndrome associated with severe ganglion cell layer loss, thinning of central retina
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends screening 3- to 5-year-old children for amblyopia

USPSTF Recommends Amblyopia Screening for 3- to 5-Year-Olds

Inadequate evidence is available to assess benefits and harms of screening in those younger than 3